Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tomorrow is the Day..........
Today I had a Dr. Appt, it was so so.. as you know, i'm not too impressed w/ my OB, it's the perintologist ??? sp ?? that I really care about..
I did get to hear the baby's heart beat... 160 and then I was stuck w/ a needle.. twice, and my arm is all bruised up! go figure, have you ever had a needle on the " side" of your arm??? wtf?
Anywhoooooooooo, I've lost another 4 lbs, for a total of 8 lbs... I'm happy now, but I'm sure that I won't be sooo soon.. As my belly is starting to finally poke out :-) Today not only did I look pregnant, but I swear I felt it too! (probably my over reactive imagination) but isn't that what being pregnant is all about SHOWING IT OFF!!! and getting people to do things for you... hahahahaaa... I've mastered that one pretty well..
Well I'll give an update tmw, I'll hae pictures and hopefully, HERE'S THE PART!! I'll know if I'm carrying a JADEN OR A KHIYA!!! yuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Posted by
10:34 PM
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Not sooo goood...
Today was a not so good day for me... I can't help but feel lonely.. I feel that no one understands and I'm all alone... I miss my mom beyond anything anyone can comprehend. I sat watching the movie "Step mom" and the mother in the movie is dying, I started thinking how they knew she was dying, they had warning, they had all the times to share with her and the memories to make before she left... Me, I had NONE... In the blink of an eye, she was gone.
You ever want to be happy? You try to be happy? But you just can't..
Posted by
8:00 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
82 million dollars..
Ok so this morning I played the lotto.. 5 dollars... wouldn't it be nice to win???? hmm i already started thinking of all of the things I would do.. some not so nice, but hell it's my thoughts, my dreams, why can't I think of them...
Well baby and I are doing great, I have a dr. appt next week, hopefully we can determine the sex of the baby and we can't stop calling the baby "the baby" and call it "Jaden or Khiya"... I'm finding myself wanting a girl more and more. I started off strongly wanting Rudy to have his baby boy... but my mind has seemed to have changed.. lol I want another girl so I can have me and my girls... I have posted ultrasound pics on my website...
My eating habits are getting more and more weird.. So today I went to the market to get some fruit, walk past the spaghetti and meatballs (chef boyardee) and pick up 3 cans, it was on sale. Come to work and eat the chefboyardee for breakfast! I then ate the fruit for lunch... backwards, I know, I know..
Well i'm at work and have some news to share, but I'll wait until i get home this evening!!! smooches!
Posted by
12:31 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Wore out........
It's not quite 8pm yet and im about to call it a night. This week has been one to say the least!
I'm glad to be off Friday, if to do nothing else BUT relax and try and get alittle bit of homework done.
I've tried to overcome my shopping addiction, but it doesn't seem to be working. This week I've been trying to win various designer purses from off of the radio station. This is my co-worker's idea. I listen and call, but the funny thing is that I dont know the artists.. Monday was "Bon Jovi", yesterday Nickelback and today, Rob Thomas and Matchbox 20... Well every song that came on that I didn't know I had to ask, is this it? is this it? And the ONE song I thought i knew for sure, we call, call and call and get through and we were WRONG! It was hilarious actually, here I am r&b w/ a little bit of hip hop as they come and I'm trying to listen to the 80's, 90's and today music station and think I know something! You have to admit the coach and dooney bags are tooooooooooooooo cute!! and to top it off you get $100.00.. So I figured if I won one of the ugly bags, I'd sell it on e-bay and keep the $100.00.. Well we'll have to see, if I win...
Afterwork , I went on a shopping spree at MACY'S... I got Kayla sooooooooo much stuff it was ridiculous, I'm glad I went alone, I would have been distracted otherwise... Macy's 1 day sale is NO JOKE!
Well I had hoped to type more but i'm too tired.. so i'll call it a night..
Posted by
7:53 PM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
A Lemon... A Lemon... A Lemon...
How your baby's growing: Head to bottom, your baby's 3 1/2 inches long — about the length of a lemon — and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces.
Her body's growing faster than her head, which now sits upon a more well-defined neck. By the end of this week, her arms will have lengthened and will be in proportion to the rest of her body. (Her legs still have some growing to do, though.) She's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair all over her body (called lanugo). Her liver starts secreting bile this week, a sign that it's already functioning properly, and her spleen starts contributing to the production of red blood cells. She's also producing and discharging urine into the amniotic fluid, a normal process that she'll keep up until birth. You still can't feel your baby's movements, but her hands and feet (which are now half an inch long) are more flexible and active. Thanks to brain impulses, her little facial muscles are getting a workout as she squints, frowns, and grimaces. She can grasp now, too, and she may be able to suck her thumb.
Posted by
9:57 AM
Light of Hope....
So... yesterday was the first day that I woke up in the morning and tried to put on a shirt (mind u I just wore this skirt 2 weeks ago) and it was TOO LITTLE!!! Wouldn't fasten.. Not only wouldn't fasten, but wouldn't even come around to touch, I was happy but pissed at the same time, I had the perfect outfit put together to wear.. lol - it was back to the drawing board.
I went to the Light of Hope Child Abuse Awareness Candle Light Vigil last night. It's an annual ceremony remembering those children who no longer have a voice, because of child abuse incidents that may have taken their lives. The event also praises the children who were / are able to get through the tough times and become survivors..
I am a Child Abuse Awareness/Prevention Advocate. My Sorority focuses on Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention, the program I helped found is called Delta Rho A.R.M.S. (Angels Receiving Motivation and Support) we assist with adopting various emergency shelters on a monthly basis. We assist with wish list items, trying to make sure the children have items needed on a daily basis.. We will be hosting a step show in October, it will be a part of the Child Abuse Prevention Task Force Annual Community Fair.. The Fair is on the same date as my due date, I'm still optimistic that I'll be able to attend the Fair and if not, I'll be a facilitating fool! lol
We all know i'm a perfectionist freak, so it will all be outlined for my committe and it will be a SUCCESS w/ or with out my presence :-)
Posted by
7:49 AM
Thursday, April 06, 2006
It's official
It has become official......Cleo, Frankie, Stoney, Plus 1 and I (Tee-Tee) will be going to the Bahamas!!! We leave on July 7th and return on July 10th.. Only to come back and 3 days later head to MIAMI for our Sorority Convention...
We made a pact back in July 2005 that each July we would come together for a function.. No matter, if we are 50 + years old, that is the one thing that we will always share and cherish... No matter who moves where... We will meet up in July to PARTY LIKE IT'S 1999!!!
This picture was taken last July 4th weekend in New Orleans at Mardi Gras!! We thought we would go back (which I'm kind of glad, we can't, because of hurricane Katrina). For a selfish reason of course... I would not be able to partake in a HAND GRENADE!!! And we all know that's 1/2 of the reason to go... lol (well I said it was SELFISH)
I just finished my homework for the evening and I know its not even 8pm, but a Sista is TIRED... I had a long day and busy at work, so i'm going to call it a night... 14 weeks coming up!!! whewww whewww whewwww..
Posted by
7:34 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
Kicking my BUTT!!
School is kicking my butt these last 2 wks. I'm trying to stay afloat, but my energy level is low and my attention span is worst! I spent alot more time on homework today than I would have liked and I thought I would get started on next weeks assignment, however, that didn't happen.
I'm sitting here watching the Apprentice w/ Rudy, I'm about ready to pass out, but he wants me to watch it with him. I'm sitting here struggling.. lol
Posted by
10:28 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Still Exhausted...
I'm still exhausted from yesterday, maybe I over did it yesterday... Just when I thought my energy was coming back! ha ha.. That's just like me to get excited after one day of having energy!
I got up this morning went to church, went to brunch, came home and went to sleep. Woke up and me and Kayla watched Mermaidia and then I watched some other movie (Wedding Date) and now I'm sitting here about to BALL MY EYES OUT and watch America Extreme Makeover Home Edition... They are in Altamonte Springs, Florida...
The lady has a non-profit organization, Sadie Home Help Services...
Rudy's cooking dinner and I'm just sitting here relaxing.........
Posted by
6:58 PM
Saturday, April 01, 2006
13 weeks....
How your baby's growing: Your belly may soon be big enough to announce to the world that you're expecting, but your baby is still tiny. In fact, he's only about 3 inches long crown to rump — roughly the size of a jumbo shrimp — and weighs just about an ounce.

Despite the small proportions, there's a fully formed baby inside your womb now. Much more proportional than it was a few weeks ago, his head is now only about a third the size of his body. His tiny, unique fingerprints are already in place. His kidneys and urinary tract are functional, and he's starting to urinate out the amniotic fluid he's been swallowing.
As you start your second trimester, most of your baby's critical development will be completed, and your odds of miscarriage will drop considerably.
Posted by
9:11 PM
Exhausted... Getting OLD
I am POOPED... I have been up since 8am, out the house, took the girls to "snarkasnoops" science show and then to the Spring Festival at the Lake... It was HOT, we were walking and walking and walking and I looked down and poor Kayla was RED HOT and sweating..
We got something to drink and left, it was too hot out there. Funny thing on the way back to the car, they both said "Our legs hurt".. I thought, we haven't walked that far, but, I guess we did, I wasn't really paying
We ate lunch and came home and I PASSED out, Rudy took over and played with them (thank goodness). When I got up they were about to go to the Park, so I tagged along with them. They had a good time, kinda sucks that I had to just watch and couldn't join in.. They played dodge ball and then had relay races... I got to say "Ready, Set, GO!!" Whewww what fun... lol
Fast Forward... We are back home and the girls just showered and are watching TV. It's only 8pm but I'm ready to PASS OUT again, this time for the evening. I will let them watch tv for about 2 hrs and then it's nighty night time, have to get up for church in the morning.
I bought some really cute stuff at Michael's, I'm doing a scrapbook for my best friend's son. I have all the materials, now I need to get on the ball w/ it. I want to buy stuff for Baby Ellis, but..... I dont want to do "neutral", if it's a girl, I want to do girl stuff, if it's a boy, I want to do boy stuff. In the meanwhile, I'll start condensing Kayla's stuff and making her a book. Since everything is soo digital these days, she has tons of pictures on the computer, but not in books. So I think i'll do some crafts tomorrow after church and relax.
The girls bought some stuff to make bookmarks and journal covers, so we'll have crafts time after church. Well goodnight (i'm getting old and I'm pregnant - no way 8pm on a Saturday night, I'm ready to lay it down!) lol
Posted by
8:01 PM