It's almost 3 weeks, since Mr. Jayden was born and I'm finally up and feeling much better. My feet and legs have gone down 100% no more swelling and I can wear regular shoes again (yaayyyy). I drove for the first time yesterday, I took Kayla to her game and sat for 2 hours (no problems). It was a beautiful day out, about 78 degrees and no humidity.. as they would call it, Fall - Florida style.
I've spent the majority of today doing administrative things and watching Jayden. Rudy is truly a blessing, I know I get soo frustrated with him, but he really is a good father! He has been getting up at night w/ Jayden and allowing me to "try" and sleep because I usually wake up when Jayden wakes up, BUT, I don't have to get up and change and feed him. He gets up and takes care of it! Thank goodness, I'm not built for the late night feedings, I'm trying but after doing it the whole day every 2 - 2 1/2 hours, I'm exhausted come night. He's been very understanding and just gets up, NO complaints, he just does it! Thank God for him :-)
Well I finally allowed myself to be photographed.. .ha ha ha.. I've lost all my pregnancy weight, fluid, etc... and I'm actually down an additional 26lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight!!! I'm sooo excited about it, that I'm scared to EAT... lol
I want to continue the downward spiral/ weight lost and get to my ideal weight by January 1... Me and Jayden are going to start taking Big Sister Kayla to cheerleading practice and walk around the outside of the field since its pavement while she practices. I'm even thinking about taking a kickboxing class, since the YMCA up the street offers it on Monday's and Kayla doesnt have practice on monday's.. We'll see..