Monday, August 04, 2008
The Jay Man....
My baby is no longer a baby anymore... On September 12th he will be 2!! Can you believe it's almost been two years since I walked into labor and delivery 4 wks EARLY and prepared to have my SON!
Jayden is excelling in so many areas, I would be all night trying to explain and outline them. His favorite words are "Mooom", No,Yes, Juice, Bye Bye and the formulation of various sentences that no one understands, but they all end in... "OK".. so with a head nod, Jay smiles and goes on his merry little way..
THE CUTEST THING!!! So we always hold hands and say our grace before dinner. Well Jayden at first wouldn't hold hands, but NOW; we don't miss a meal w/ out him holding everyone hands and get this... he actually SAYS THE GRACE FOR US..... Oh it is sooo darn cute, he checks to make sure everyone is holding hands and he begins to pray (again, an utterance of who knows what) but it always ends with him lifting his head saying AMEN!... How can you resist???
Jayden is 29 lbs, almost 3 feet tall and a very energetic, enthustiastic and just all out LOVING AND FUN!! He is 22 mths and is my WORLD!!! Join in with me...
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12:02 AM