Sunday, May 20, 2007

I'm a BIG BOY!!!

Jayden and Big Sister Kayla...

Me and My Big Sister... We're Inseparable!!!

Dad's trying to hide...

I'm a Jayden Monster... Arrrrrr Arrrrrr....

I'm soooo cute, aren't I?

My first High Chair / Big Boy Restaurant Experience...


Pastel52 said...

Jayden is sooo cute! I love the monster picture!!

Anonymous said...

zJayden, you are more than cute ! Yay.. you are a big boy! Loved all your pictures !

Okay let me try are a cutie, sweetie pie, handsome, huggable, lovable, kissable, cuddlable, adorable, honey bunches, precious,

Your pictures made my day! I simply love babies and Mr.Jayden tops it !

Wishing you only the best in life !

Ask Mommie to give you 100 kisses and 100 hugs from me today!


Erykah said...

Wow, he is so big and so cute. We have yet to venture onto the resturant high chair but you have given me courage to do it!

Saina said...

What a big boy he is! The monster face is the best.