Saturday, June 03, 2006

Looong Week

This past week has been quite exhausting.. We went to Philly last weekend to visit family and attend my 1st cousin's wedding. We can back on Monday and I stayed up until 1am finishing homework, I didn't do over the weekend. Tuesday back at work, we got word that a particular law was about to "cap" by the end of the week. Filing began on April 1, 2006 and already not even 2 months later, it was about to be capped out until April 1, 2007. Needless to say I bussed my butt ALL WEEK LONG at work, neglecting school and family.

I came home each night well after 7pm exhausted and going straight to bed. Last night I chilled w/ 4/5ths of the crew at dinner, for a relaxation session, we haven't seen each other together in a while...

Finally the weekend!! Well I had homework to do that wasn't done all week and today was our end of the Session F.R.E.E session for our mentor program. We are taking a summer break and starting back up in August. We had a BBQ at the park and it got HOT!! Needless to say, i was glad when it was over because i was irritable and HOT.. I came home and sleep for almost 3 hrs straight.. How the heck am I going to make it in the Bahamas for a weekend.. lol I guess, as long as I get the beach and some shopping in I'll be ok..

Here are my 1st official belly pics.. 22 weeks pregnant.. 2 more weeks and i'll be in my 3rd and final trimester!!! Mr. Jayden is very very active, he likes to kick mommy when she's trying to sleep or just relaxing.. Big Sister Kayla's two front teeth are loose.. ha ha ha My baby's gonna be a snag-a-tooth soon...

I updated my personal website today w/ some photos...

Me at 22 weeks Prego... (savor the moment, I probably won't take many more pics)

My poor baby is KNOCKED out from her lonnnng day :-)

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